Have you ever thought, "I just wish I'd known that twenty years ago!"?

Life does offer useful insights, including the experience of those who are further down the path we're traveling. That's what makes the Wisdom Project so valuable.

Many of life's helpful discoveries come later than we might have liked - distilled from mistakes and setbacks that could perhaps have been mitigated if we'd have had a different perspective. Or we might have better seen the situation coming, and engaged it on the strength of insights gleaned by those who have been there before us.

That's where the Wisdom Project can help. Here you'll find breakthrough concepts, practical tools, and fresh perspective on a variety of themes and topics, all distilled from the hard-won experience of real people living real life. And you can take it to the next level: join the conversation with a growing global community of co-learners and fellow travelers.

First and foremost, the Wisdom Project is about resourcing your personal growth and discovery. We're passionate about supporting you in your lifelong journey of transformation - empowering you as a learner, catalyzing new growth and resourcing your unique journey through life in as many ways as possible.



Community & Support

The Wisdom Project connects people of faith and conscience, geographically scattered but united by hunger to raise the conversation level and improve the quality of life wherever they may be. To live out of the box, becoming increasingly useful to others and to the planet we share. Our community and resources offer support, encouragement and accountability to help individuals run their race with excellence and finish well.

Equipping & Resourcing

The Wisdom Project creates space and stimulus to freshly engage your journey through reflection, discovery, and growth. In this space you'll find an ever-growing array of tools and resources designed to help you live with purpose and steward your unique, God-given design.

Free Purpose By Design Course

What does it mean to Live by Design? This free micro course covers 5 core paradigms that will help you decipher purpose from how God uniquely wired you.


50% Complete

Two Step

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