What does life in God's Kingdom really look like? How do we know when things are working as intended? Where do we fit within God's larger plans and purposes? THRIVE answers these questions and more by exploring how God ultimately intends for life in His kingdom to really work, and moving from there to discover the incredible implications of that design for our own lives.
This course is for followers of Jesus who are hungry for a deeper and more fulfilling sense of meaning in their life. For those wrestling with questions or confusion about their direction in life, or a sense that things just don't seem to be working the way they had expected them to, might just find new answers and new and better questions along the way.
We hope that through this course's inputs and exercises you'll begin to discover a new sense of orientation and clarity. Even when it runs counter to our human nature and first instincts, life really does work best when lived according to God's principles and priorities.
by investigating the sometimes confusing paradigms of God's upside down-Kingdom. Very often the reason we feel that our life isn't working out the way we expected it to is that we don't fully understand how God intends to continually transform us into a more mature and complete version of ourselves. Once we understand the nature of His amazing invitation, everything begins to change.
of God's efforts to draw humanity back to himself. Together we'll look at the stories of some familiar figures from scripture in a new light as we discover what they can show us about our own journey down the same path towards God's plans and purposes for their lives.
This course is the result of many decades of practice, application, and testing in real life situations across the country and around the world. We hope it gives you some new, encouraging (if challenging) ways of thinking about life in the Kingdom.
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