Where we distill principles, lean into growth and engage the journey together.
Years ago Charlene navigated an important “upgrade” in her relationship with Jesus. She had been wrestling with what it might mean, for *her*, to regain her “first love” - and experiencing a visceral reaction to some popular takes on how one goes about solving the Ephesian church dilemma described in Rev 2. True to her fiercely honest self, she simply wasn’t going to fake it, or follow some easy-peasy formula. But something needed to give.
Somewhere along the way she sensed Jesus’ invitation to fall in love, again … but as a 40-something. Not to circle back and attempt to rekindle the passion of her twenties, to somehow get “back there” - but to discover Him anew, now twice her former age, embracing all she had become and been through along the way. To fall in love with Him all over again, discovering afresh who He was to her, then.
That simple insight proved revolutionary, both for her and for many she has shared with from that...
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